Friday, October 29, 2010

Innovation Towards Sustainable Materials-Just what the Doctor ordered: meet the People, the Global Movers.

Big names, concerned scietists, engineers and business executives meet to work on what many consider to be millenium class issues- To Be Treated Fittingly on WWI & II rememberance, Amnesty Day 11-11 1945.   

Big meeting - constructive thinking for serious future planning  anticipated and expected from such a panel of experienced, highly professional specialist in their respective fields.

In all 10 sub-themes will be treated in this expert's approach to Sustainable Materials, Innovation.

1:Setting the Global Scene are: Start 10 Nov. 2010.

• Ian Christmas (Director General, World Steel Association)

• Per Sandberg (Director, International Projects, WBCSD)

• Peter Bonfield (Chief Executive, Building Research Establishment)

2:Materials Sourcing, Processing Technologies, Extractive Industries

• John Groom (Safety and Sustainable Development Adviser, Anglo American)

• Craig White (Wood Technology, White Design)

• Sevket Durucan (Professor of Mining and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College)

• James Anderson (Director of Sustainability, AMEC)

3:Construction and the Built Environment contributions from:

• Hank Dittmar (Chief Executive, Prince's Foundation, Built Environment)

• Beulah Keane (Project Manager, Marks and Spencer, Plan A; Sustainable Construction

• Jamie Smith (Skanska)

• Javed Sethi (Marketing Manager, Lafarge Cement UK)

4:ResourcEfficiency and Environmental Technologies

• Carolyn Roberts (Director, Environmental Sustainability KTN)

• Richard Swannell (Director, WRAP)

• Theo Lehner (Manager, Business Development, Bolidien)

• Edward Way (Chairman, Green Power Limited

5:Assessment Tools and Information Management

• Mike Ashby (Director, Granta Design)

• Rana Pant (European Platform on Life Cycle Assessment, European Commission)

• Norman Swindells (Managing Director, Ferroday Ltd)

• Angela Druckman (Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Mitigation,

Surrey University)

Guest Speaker: Tom Heap (Presenter, Costing the Earth, BBC Radio 4

Thursday 11th of  November

6: Setting the Forward Strategy

• Head of Climate Change, Tata Group
7: Product Design, Packaging and the Consumer

• Martin Charter (Director, Centre for Sustainable Design)

• Tony Taylor (Sustainability and Packaging Manager, Unilever UK)

• Stuart Patrick (Chairman, The Polymer Society, The Institute of Materials, Minerals

and Mining)

8: Transport and Infrastructure.

• Robin Haycock (Transport Energy Consultant, Arup)

• George Coates (Project Director, WorldAutoSteel)

• Geoff Scamans (Chief Scientific Officer, Innoval Limited)

• Pat Winfield (Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Head of Sustainable Vehicle

Engineering Centre, Oxford Brookes University)

9: Energy and Climate Change.

• Rosemary Albinson (Technology and Transport Strategy Advisor, BP Castrol)

• Markys Cain (Knowledge Leader, Functional Materials Team, NPL)

• Rod Martin (Chairman, British Composites Society, IOM3 and Chief Execuitve, MERL)

10: Sustainable Manufacturing and Processes

• Mike Gregory, CBE (Head of Manufacturing and Management Division, Institute for

Manufacturing, University of Cambridge)

• Pascal Payet-Gaspard (Secretary General, International Stainless Steel Forum

Closing Address

• Roland Clift, CBE (Distinguished Professor of Environmental Technology, Surrey


More information...? 
cf.  Institute of  Materials Minerals and Mining, IOM3, the global network for the full materials cycle

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

People working in the field of High Temperature Wear and Erosion - Meeting in Derby famous Engineering City Home of Rolls Royce Aero Engines

High Temperature Wear and Erosion
The People, The Subjects Covered, The Places where things happen 10 November 2010, Riverside Centre, Derby
Register Now

The programme features presentations on:

  • Introduction to high temperature materials, with particular reference to their microstructure
    Professor Sarah Hainsworth, University of Leicester

  • Multilayer coatings for erosion protection: Design, modelling and erosion testing
    Dr Richard Wellman, Cranfield University

  • CFD modelling of particle erosion in high temperature corrosive environments
    Professor Margaret Stack, University of Strathclyde

  • High temperature tribological testing
    Dr Mark Gee, NPL

  • Challenges in the quantification of high temperature erosive wear
    S. Graça, M. Hadad, P. Hoffmann, H. Du, EMPA and Alstom Power Ltd

  • High temperature wear and friction performance in a steam environment for power generation sealing applications
    Dr Louise Brown, NPL

  • Recent approaches to developing and understanding nano-structured coatings which might have a future in high temperature wear and erosionapplications
    Professor Allan Matthews, University of Sheffield

  • The design of present and future surface coatings to resist erosion and wear in aero turbines
    Dr David S Rickerby, Rolls-Royce, Derby
The fee to attend the conference is just £98.00 plus VAT for IOM3 Members (or £134.00 plus VAT for non-members).

More Information
Melanie Boyce
Conference Manager
The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

1 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5DB, UK

More information contact  Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Beyond the price of copper and gold. Trapped Chilian Cu and Au miners safe in spectacular rescue

This good news follows a spate of tragic outcomes for the World's mining communities, from China through Central and Eastern Europe.(The Chile Cu and Au mine collapsed on 5th Aug 2010.)

So after the euphoria,of this resounding success by Chile and the International Community this remains a dire warning to the World's mining community of the continuing effort necessary to ensure proper, civilised -mane safety regulations and measures in practice.

1st Encouraging News
August 23, 2010 · Posted in News
"Deep copper and Gold mine Accident, 33 Miners Survive after 17 days Trapped in." (cf Ref below)

"Copiapo, Chile – When 33 men found alive after 17 days trapped in a deep copper and gold mine, the biggest challenge now, the preservation of their mental health in the months can take to cut a tunnel large enough for them to get out .
Chileans were euphoric Sunday after a small drill bit broke through 2257 feet (688 meters) of solid rock in an emergency refuge where the miners had gathered to reach. The men are soon connected two notes at the end of a probe that rescuers pulled to the surface, announcing in large red letters: “All 33 of us are fine in the asylum.”
“Today all of Chile is crying with excitement and joy,” said Sebastian Pinera President in the mine.

Mine officials and relatives of the workers had hoped that the men reached a shelter under the place where the tunnel collapsed August 5 at the San Jose gold and copper mine about 530 miles (850 kilometers) north of the capital Santiago. But she said the reception in case of emergency air and food supplies would last only 48 hours.

The miners seemed to understand that their salvation may be slow, according to one of them, Mario Gomez, perhaps the oldest of the 63 trapped men, who wrote a letter to his wife.

Gomez said that the miners used for light vehicles and an excavator to dig a channel for water to get underground.

It was unclear whether the air threatened to walk.

Rescuers had drilled repeatedly in an attempt to reach the shelter, but failed seven times. They blamed the errors on the maps of the mining company. According to a note from Gomez, at least some of the earlier probes were close enough that the trapped miners heard them. The eighth attempt finally succeeded.

Gomez noted that the President read aloud on live television, focusing on expressions of faith and love for his family. But through frustration showed in a line, where he declared that “this company has to modernize.”
Chile is the world’s top copper producer and a leading producer of gold, and has some of the most advanced in the world mining. But both the company that the mine, San Esteban and the National Mining and Geology Service held criticized for allegedly not complying with regulations. In 2007, an explosion at the San Jose mine killed three workers."

Excellent News
Chile Mine Rescue, 32 of 33 miners were above ground after trapped deep underground for 69 days
October 14, 2010 · Posted in News · Comment

SAN JOSE MINE, Chile miners who were trapped deep underground for 69 days were drawn to the rescue for a Wednesday in a process that was faster than expected and people around the world was transfixed.
The miners rose to the surface in a red, white and blue rescue capsule called “The Phoenix”. By Wednesday noon, 32 of the 33 miners were above ground. As they came to the Chilean newspaper websites of keeping a running score, almost like a sporting event. “Things have gone extraordinarily well so far.


We now know all have been rescued. The spectacular rescue has been the Global Event of The Week, for it's length, it's difficulty, and the courage of the miners, for the attitude of all invoved.



& A cheaky Bioplastic link
Bioplastic link

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wake Up Feeling Better With Memory Foam Mattresses

the mattress industry is aging as the baby boom exploded. As we age, our muscle and joint pain seems more and more sleeping on the mattress, in fact, wrong speed and intensify the pain. In fact, the traditional coil spring mattress can be placed in remote locations in your body a lot of pressure. When you wake in the morning, which is very painful, can often feel stiff. Therefore, how to make your memory foam mattress as a teenager feeling?

This is an easy question to answer. Memory foam is a polyurethane pressure and temperature sensitive, depending on the compression weight. In fact, the shape of the mold from head to toe and support you. The advantage is that it puts no pressure on your joints, or pressure or isolated points, because your body is supported. When you wake in the morning you'll feel rested, some people claim to be pain. The number of physicians on the cause of arthritis recommended mattresses and memory foam pillows for their patients, who often have trouble sleeping because of pain in the joints.

density of the foam is that you must consider when buying memory foam mattresses and pillows. E is a measure of the density of the foam. If you prefer a little more of the mattress, it is recommended that the density of 5 pounds. This temperature higher density sensitive because it is heavier, takes longer to recover its shape once the bed. 4 lb density temperature sweet, but not sensitive, so give a little less than 5 pounds of support. Both are a good option, will be on all back to personal preference. Resources on both sides, if you believe your dreams will never become a new partner.

Memory foam supports your body weight and temperature combination. Foam adapts to the position of each person during sleep to ensure they are fully supported at all times. That's why you will feel the pain the next morning to stand in the morning free. If you suffer from back pain or neck, be sure to investigate the memory foam pillow. These blocks are specially designed to fit the head and neck to give their full support, and sleep pattern. Maintain alignment of the head during sleep also help relieve pain neck pain.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Green to Green

Walaupun daya yang dihasilkan oleh matahari jauh lebih besar daripada batubara, panel surya tidak sepenuhnya ramah lingkungan. Pembuatan panel surya membutuhkan energi yang tidak sedikit. Selain itu panel surya juga menghasilkan limbah elektronik (e-waste) dan produk samping toksik dari industri panel surya. Sekarang salah satu perusahaan Inggris berharap untuk mengurangi masalah ini dengan membuat pabrik pertama di dunia, yaitu pabrik panel surya dengan tenaga angin. Aku kagum tidak ada yang pernah melakukannya sebelumnya.

Menurut siaran pers dari pelopor energi hijau Ecotricity, pabrik panel surya G24i bertenaga angin di Wales merupakan pabrik pertama di dunia yang membuat panel surya menggunakan energi angin, sebuah konsep 'Green dari Green'. G24i membuat panel surya ringan dan fleksibel untuk mengisi ulang laptop, smartphone dan gadget lainnya. Pada akhir tahun, pembuatan panel ini akan didukung oleh kincir angin tinggi 120 meter dan akan menghasilkan listrik yang cukup untuk 1.700 rumah.

CEO Ecotricity, Dale Vince, yang mempunyai proyek mobil listrik Nemesis, mengatakan: "Kami membangun kincir angin ini untuk mensuplai energi untuk G24i, ini bukan hanya yang pertama di dunia untuk sedikit perbaikan masa depan dan untuk saya setidaknya salah satu yang sangat menarik - gagasan bahwa kita dapat memanfaatkan energi terbarukan dan menggunakannya untuk membuat perangkat yang memanfaatkan energi terbarukan. Namun demikian, gagasan pabrik panel surya bertenaga terbarukan merupakan langkah maju yang sangat simbolis. Aku heran itu tidak terjadi cepat (saya yakin pembaca akan mengingatkan kita jika telah ada yang memiliki!), Tapi aku akan sangat terkejut jika kita tidak melihat lebih banyak proyek serupa dibangun di tahun-tahun mendatang.
