Metallurgical Modelling
Having wrestled on the shop floor as a metallurgist, products and advanced process engineering, I have come to appreciate, immensely, all manner of metallurgical modelling, mathematical & physical for it's power to reduce; trial & error, scrapped melts & products, extensive end product controls-NDT & DT and last but not least, the associated corporate and "corporal stress levels"!
Typically, advanced process would be: EAF, AIM, VIM,VAR,ESR, Melting for Ultra-clean alloys & powders. These processes are known to respond well to difficult chemical alloy formulations, and stringent quality controls to the highest specifications and client requirements. Equally, the materials would cover a complete spectrum of special steels and alloys, including: Aircraft undercarriage HSLA steels, Iron-Nickels alloys for cryogenic and magnetic applications, Corrosion resistant stainless, 18Cr/10Ni type and higher or the notoriously difficult to heat-treat Fe-Cr , through to Nickel or Cobalt based Superalloys for aeroengine or nuclear applications.
It is with pleasure that I echo IOM3's member subscribed Journal on metallurgical and materials fundamentals Materials Science & Technology published by Maney in Leeds and underline four papers on mathematical modelling:
Mathematical models in materials science pp. 128-136(9) Author: Bhadeshia, H.K.D.H. ant
Integrated modelling in materials and process technology pp. 137-148(12) Author: Hattel, J.H.
Thermodynamic and kinetic modelling: creep resistant materials pp. 149-158(10) Authors: Hald, J.; Korcakova, L.; Danielsen, H.K.; Dahl, K.V.
Nitrogen diffusion and nitrogen depth profiles in expanded austenite: experimental assessment, numerical simulation and role of stress pp. 159-167(9) Authors: Christiansen, T.; Dahl, K.V.; Somers, M.A.J.
I invite you to join me in reading these and the many other available papers and look forward to your comments either in the IOM3 house journals eg. MW "Letters to the Editor" or on my personal blogs. Please do not hesitate to communicate your web-logs, comments and suggestions or to request information on how-to start your own log.
Remember though, "in the days of thy youth", "It's not worth dying for!"
Thanks for your attention.