Saturday, September 26, 2009

Restless atoms cause materials to age, properties to decline

"Atoms have the habit of jumping through solids - a practice that physicists have recently been able to follow for the first time using a brand new method. This scientific advance was made possible thanks to the utilisation of cutting-edge X-ray sources, known as electron synchrotrons. The detailed findings of the project, backed by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, were recently published in the prestigious journal NATURE MATERIALS. The work unlocks new potential for the study of material ageing processes at the atomic level." is the openner to a short article on ageing in materials tat figures amoungst an impressive American Society for Materials (AMS) Newswire repertoire.

I will certainly bookmark this resource to add to my own Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining resources.

ASM Newswire 23Sept.2009