Monday, April 19, 2010

Crystal Growth Detection System sought -Innocentive Challenge_Solver Teamwork encouraged

Crystal Growth Detection System

It was time that I came back to Innocentive (rewarded) Challenges as regularly as I did in the platforms early days. Much has happened there and the platform is attracting increasing attention and sponsors, I am pleased to say.

(Original backers Ely-Lilly, Dupont... Sponsors now include, Rockefeller Foundation , NASA, Nature, The Economist, and SAP, roughly in that order..?
Official history

In particular, the platform supports team work, depending on the challenge. The one that I am bringing to readers attention today is a team work supported challenge, involving a theme which will ring a few bells with metallurgists and physical chemists even if the system(s) is a water based colloids, for which it is required to detect solid crystal growth.

Check this or any of the other open challenges either for individuals or team worker. If I can be of any help on either approaches please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Introductory References:
1. Colloidal_crystals
2.  Nanoparticle Colloids

All open challenges

Google books previews:

Emulsions, foams, and suspensions: fundamentals and applications
 Amazon look inside
Colloidal Dispersions: Suspensions, Emulsions, and Foams 
Both books deal Particle size methods and are well documented.