Friday, April 24, 2009

Materials Matter™ and Material Matters™ II_Dedicated to the late Professor John Edwin (Jack) Harris MBE, FRS, FREng, FIMMM, Friend and Mentor

Dedication to a friend and mentor.

Jack Harris, the regular Materials World columnist, presents his views on topical issues under the heading Materials Matter. The journal has recently announced, "the sad news that Jack Harris, Fellow of the Institute (FIMMM) died in February 2009. There will therefore be no Materials Matters columns for the time being. A full obituary for Jack will appear in due course in Materials World. "

Jack, Prof. John Edwin Harris, MBE, FRS, FREng, FIMMM to give him his full title, was a true friend, in that he gave me much needed encouragement to pursue my contribution to my profession as a metallurgist, materials scientist and engineer and my involvement with our professional Institute, The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3). He encouraged me, and certainly many others, to get involved and to write. His column and contact led me to write again in english, after many years in France. I was honoured that he found time to exchange correspondence, giving a reference or again an opinion, often simply adding an (s) to make a word plural "for many... more, growth, inclusiveness?" At the time he was Editor in Chief of Interdisciplinary Science Reviews(ISR) the influential Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining Journal, "that seeks to publish to the highest excellence in scholarship but that also speak to an audience of intelligent non-specialists. ISR focuses, whenever possible, on conceptual bridge-building and collaborative research that nevertheless respect disciplinary variation. " This is a timely reminder of the interdisciplinary nature of our subject, it's science, art and practice. He introduced me to some of his friends, shining examples and role models to follow, some for their skills as scientists, scholars and writers, others for their courageous professional and life choices engaging in such militant associations such as Pugwash, originated by concerned scientist and citizens in 1955. Pugwash, named after the town of the same name in Nova Scotia, Canada, aims to discourage the use of instruments of mass destruction the organisation Jack chose to devote much of his energy. These examples an more, encouraged me to write regularly, not only my web pages but several full papers, and book reviews the latter on behalf of the Institute (IOM3). His column, Materials Matter, in Materials World was the first page I turned to, upon receiving my members journal in the post each month.

-My last exchange with Jack was via the open comment through his column "Comparing nuclear power in France and England" and more specifically picking up his pointer on renewable energy Bureaucracy spawns chaotic energy policy', by Sir William Lithgow, The Times, 8 October 2008.
- Jack's last column corresponded with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin 150th anniversary of the publication "On the Origin of Species", published after Darwin's death. These "letters" are excellent examples of the breadth and depth of Jack Harris' culture, his grasp of the human angle, sense of balance and of mankind's place in the "heavenly chorus". But in the end Jack always respects his contract recalling that "materials do matter", under-scoring the family ties between the great Biologist Darwin, the richness of a life in research, and the famous Materials -Pottery and Ceramics Company, Wedgwood and the humble workmen to whom [yet another] new museum is "dedicated to the people who have made objects of great beauty from the soil"...

Jack easily grasped the inherent weakness of policies of modern dis-industrialisation with it's accompanying reduction in intellectual R&D capital, and social dishevel and often expressed his displeasure. He, as all engineers and most scientists know full-well, that the physical laws of nature can be combined in complex and ingenious ways, but that the laws of physics cannot be altered, that all human economy is based-upon man's use of energy to transform naturally occurring materials into useful products and services, for "Materials Matter", and "Energy is the common denominator in the transformation processes. Jack's professional life involved Materials for use in Energy Generation for the Central Energy Board (Berkeley Labs). Today there is a new IOM3 journal dedicated to theses disciplines entitled "Energy Materials".

For me Materials Matter™, in spite of Jack's passing away, will in my mind remain his trade mark, ™, a difficult act and to follow.

Jack's lead continues after his death. He once advised me, in a quiet way, that a good place to start an enquiry was via the Royal Society and her members. While writing this and thanks to the Internet, I paid a new visit to both Royal Societies of which Jack was a member, The Royal Academy of Engineering, FREng, and The Royal Society FR. and our Royal Chartered Institute-IOM3 (FIMMM). My current interest being in media assisted learning, I was more than well recompensed. Both The Academy and The Royal Society propose rich media materials, Web TV, lectures and conferences which I viewed with Real Player, (Microsoft viewer was also available.) via the following links:
-The Royal Academy of Engineering Media Website TV and Video.
-The Royal Society Media Website TV and Video.
Jack was elected to the Royal Academy of Engineering in 1987 and a year later to the Royal Society.

Let me end with this quote from Lord Rees, (FRS) current president of the Royal Society, who described John Edwin Harris (Jack) as "a fine example of the 'activist' and socially concerned scientist. We need more like him."

A fuller tribute has been given by his friend Dr. Frank Duckworth and published in the Guardian.

PS. I hope that Jack would have approved of this conversation, but more especially that his family, his friends, colleagues and peers will approve of my personal tribute and small contribution to keep Jack's memory and guidance alive for the benefit of younger generations, generations of scientists, engineers and writers.

Here too, Jack had anticipated the need for a worthy legacy for younger generations when, with the late D.R.F. West DSc, FIM he co-authored the book "Metals and the Royal Society"
Published by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. Their short encyclopedia, almost 800 pages, is a historical and technical account of the important contributions made by members, Fellows of the Royal Societies, in the Metals field which comprises 80% of the elements in the periodic table, through the disciplines of Metallurgy, Materials Science, Technology and Engineering. Their book is an excellent, reliable review of scientific discovery and technical and industrial developments as well as short biographical references to the Fellows and Foreign Members. It contains most useful, rapid access indexes and valuable appendices to all RS awards, medals and lectures and multiple cross references. A full peer review of the Metals and the Royal Society was written by the late Prof. Robert W. Cahn (FRS) .

Published also in a shorter form in The Materials Chemists:
Post I.
Post II.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Obstacles_Curiosity_Serendipity_Webdesign Simplicity II. Video clean-up process and policy throughout my blogs

I am glad to say that there are no more "bugs" on my video presentations neither for IE-Internet Explorer users nor for Firefox adepts. Please feel free to check out the my multiple album vodpod video lay-out. (currently Triple Album layout).

This new Vodpod lay-out will bring more discipline and induce more thought in choosing what to present in order to building meaningful albums according the themes and issues raised in my pages. The set-backs mentioned in the previous post and their rapid resolution to an acceptable level, at least to my mind, have opened me to new the explosion, in fact a the chain-reaction in available quality video, notably in an areas of close to my heart, that of educational videos.

After an early, strong interest in sites such as The Vega Science Trust involving-portraying, Nobel Prize Chemist, Harry Kroto or Physics Nobel, Richard Feynman and many more, I found less and less time to watch, listen and learn in favour of action.

Remember, to many philosophers "the object of education isn't knowledge, it's action.”

Today's offer, in comparison to my early incursion into my personal, self imposed, Life-Long-Learning Programme via Video, is truely overwhelming.

Hopefully I shall not need to choose between my taste for colourful presentations, perhaps a little slow depending on your computer and Internet connection or between the more simple and rapid classical video link approach bloggers and webmasters know well . As I struggle with this new library offer and opportunity or information over-flow menace I believe that with your help and feedback we can achieve a good balance between the bright-lights media and the efficiency and surprise of a link-list.

OK, I know there is still a fair amount of cleaning-up to be done (TBD!)

Further Reference in Science:
The Vega Science Trust

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Impressive Interdisciplinary Engineering Sciences Video Collection: Obstacles_Curiosity_Serendipity_Webdesign Simplicity.

Obstacles, curiosity and serendipity, again led me to the excellent iMechanica website and to this most impressive video collection.

A Motto:
"Don't keep a good thing to yourself" Perhaps, truer than ever in tackling issues facing up-coming generations?

A short story:
A short story of how obstacles oblige us to think and dabble. It may be of some interest in presenting this particular light-weight link, the older classical, but very efficient video collection approach used in most early university professors and lecturers' sites, the one's which brought me to Internet and the clear simplicity of links and later Google AdSense, the web site's I wished to build but didn't!

Obstacle I.
While setting-up eye catching science, engineering and management video collections, motivated and perhaps side-tracked by fashionable web-based gadgets named widgets, I encountered a problem: My latest video catching and presentation video finally worked, roughly to my satisfaction, but although I set-up under IE-Internet Explorer, OK only to find that IE could not open it but FireFox could! (who is laughing at whom?)

Obstacle II.
I was also, as usual, confronted with an over-sized choice of materials to treat, notably how best to contribute to what I, and many more competent than I, see as the most important issue facing humanity ie. the current energy-climate and related human issues whose bottom line is based on hard science. cf posts...

Task prioritisation:
At least, my site should be made to work especially since so many use IE -Dire Straights indeed! I was overwhelmed. I decided to side step and check my page rank via FireFox, clicked my back-links, unimpressive, clicked similar pages, that was better and should be examined in a more routine basis. I came across a site in Spanish, with some RSS feed in english. The latter led me to iMechanica a very good rich resource, who listed this Impressive Interdisciplinary Engineering MZ's Video Collection. Both iMechanica and MZ's site merit separate reviews.


Interdisciplinary Engineering Video Collection


Friday, April 17, 2009

Life-Cycle Analysis of Nuclear Fuel Route_Cradle-to-Grave, GHG-CO2equivalent emissions_Nuclear Inspections

Nuclear Inspections
In two of my recent posts:

1.Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources Ranked_Review of solutions to global warming, air pollution, energy security_Information Overload Mastered, (09 March 08).

2.Solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy security reviewed _Parametres used to classify and rank_Follows previous post (21Feb 09).

I introduced readers to Mark Z. Jacobson's strong pitch, in his "Review of solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy security", in favour of "renewable energy sources" his 1st and 2nd choices, termed, Tiers 1 and 2. followed by his less favoured 3rd choices, Tier 3, which includes alternatives energies; coal-fired power with the "elusive" carbon capture and sequestration (Coal-CCS) , and the experienced and successful Nuclear route. Both coal without CCS and Nuclear are current main and acknowledged alternative power supplier respectively. By the same, both are major users of high-temperature corrosion resistant alloys and as a very early retired specialist in the later fields, I -and colleagues- shall come back, with some delight, to talk about what the metallurgists, materials scientists and engineers can hope to bring to humanity's energy-climate plight which is unlikely to miraculously disappear.

At present, it is the latter 3rd choice, tier 3, in particular Nuclear, which will be considered here thanks to Benjamin K. Sovacool, a research fellow at the National University of Singapore, who recently analyzed more than one hundred life-cycle studies of nuclear plants around the world, his results published in August in Energy Policy (ref1.).
The life-cycle-assessment (LCA) evaluates the total carbon output of the nuclear industry involves calculating those emissions and dividing them by the electricity produced over the entire lifetime of the plant.

The Good News:
From the 19 most reliable assessments, Sovacool found that estimates of total life-cycle carbon emissions ranged from 1.4 grammes of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour (gCO2e/kWh) of electricity produced up to 288 gCO2e/kWh.

Sovacool believes the mean of 66 gCO2e/kWh to be a reasonable approximation.
and according to his analysis,

-nuclear power, at 66 gCO2e/kWh emissions is well below
-scrubbed coal-fired plants, which emit 960 gCO2e/kWh, and
-natural gas-fired plants, at 443 gCO2e/kWh.

However, nuclear emits twice as much carbon as solar photovoltaic, at 32 gCO2e/kWh, and six times as much as onshore wind farms, at 10 gCO2e/kWh.

"A number in the 60s puts it well below natural gas, oil, coal and even clean-coal technologies. On the other hand, things like energy efficiency, and some of the cheaper renewables are a factor of six better. So for every dollar you spend on nuclear, you could have saved five or six times as much carbon with efficiency, or wind farms," Sovacool says. "Add to that the high costs and long lead times for building a nuclear plant about $3 billion for a 1,000 megawatt plant, with planning, licensing and construction times of about 10 years and nuclear power is even less appealing.

The Bad News-Work To Be Done (TBD)?

Over and above the already extensive ranking of the nuclear route there remains many serious concerns about the risks caused by uranium mining (eg radon gas levels on miners), and waste disposal both from the mining operations on miners and locally exposed populations-cradle side or to local populations on the end waste "grave side" if I may use the expression. A rapid Google Search turns-up an impressive list of concerns. however at the time of this post, again a scientific pointer is given by BK Sovacool in his paper on bird mortality or rather avian mortality (birds, bats...etc) (Ref. 2 below) which surprisingly ranks wind the least harmful to avian species followed by nuclear and worse of all coal power generation. (personal communication by Mark Z. Jacobson.)

NB. in both references there is strictly no reference to "Superman or woman! " This is perhaps a lesson in it's self!


1."Valuing the greenhouse gas emissions from nuclear power: A critical survey" [pdf].

2. Contextualizing avian mortality: A preliminary appraisal of bird and bat fatalities from wind, fossil-fuel, and nuclear electricity [abstract]

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Conversations-on-Innovations: Tyre Recycling#links#links#links#links

Conversations-on-Innovations: Tyre Recycling#links#links#links#links: "I have just added the The European Tyre Recycling Association (ETRA) website to my recycling list on my left hand side menu bar for easy reference. Road transportation tyres and alternatives are quite obviously a Pan-European issue."