Monday, April 19, 2010

Crystal Growth Detection System sought -Innocentive Challenge_Solver Teamwork encouraged

Crystal Growth Detection System

It was time that I came back to Innocentive (rewarded) Challenges as regularly as I did in the platforms early days. Much has happened there and the platform is attracting increasing attention and sponsors, I am pleased to say.

(Original backers Ely-Lilly, Dupont... Sponsors now include, Rockefeller Foundation , NASA, Nature, The Economist, and SAP, roughly in that order..?
Official history

In particular, the platform supports team work, depending on the challenge. The one that I am bringing to readers attention today is a team work supported challenge, involving a theme which will ring a few bells with metallurgists and physical chemists even if the system(s) is a water based colloids, for which it is required to detect solid crystal growth.

Check this or any of the other open challenges either for individuals or team worker. If I can be of any help on either approaches please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Introductory References:
1. Colloidal_crystals
2.  Nanoparticle Colloids

All open challenges

Google books previews:

Emulsions, foams, and suspensions: fundamentals and applications
 Amazon look inside
Colloidal Dispersions: Suspensions, Emulsions, and Foams 
Both books deal Particle size methods and are well documented.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Free Access to Maney Publishing-Publisher of IOM3-Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining Edited Journals

Quick: Please join us in
Materials Science and Engineering spotlight

Journal of the Month: Materials Science and Technology (MST)
RSS feed link for the latest issue of MST

Top 10 papers for materials science and engineering journals freely available online, chose from any or all of 11 journals, marked with an asterisk * in the list of 24 journals with free content
scroll down to full list.

Share your impression with questions,comments and suggestions to this blog and/or the publishers.

This and more.
en référence à : Maney Publishing - Material Science & Engineering Spotlight (afficher sur Google Sidewiki)

This-Above-All: Climate Studies-Small Steps Toward Rules for Geoengineering following 'Asilomar 2' Conference

This-Above-All: Climate Studies-Small Steps Toward Rules for Geoengineering following 'Asilomar 2' Conference

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

NPL-UK's National Physical Laboratory open day

If you are in the area, this is a fair offer:
Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be provided.
There is also an invitation to use the staff resturant.

However for those of you, the majority of us, too far away, NPL's website and many free online publications and newsletters are well worth the time spent.

Enjoy your visit.
en référence à :
"Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be provided"
- NPL, UK open-day/(afficher sur Google Sidewiki)

This-Above-All: New CO2 counter widget for you "Gov" from CO2 now

This-Above-All: New CO2 counter widget for you "Gov" from CO2 now

Materials Science and Engineering Defined Widgets - Wowzio

This is a most attractive way to follow my postes. Check it out and give me your valued feedback.
Materials Science and Engineering Defined Widgets - Wowzio

I have added a small badge as an attractive "spy on me" permalink.